Welcome to IshitaUnblogged!

I would love to hear from you! As you leave your comments in blogposts, do share my blog with like-minded people who are passionate about food and travel just like us. Your suggestions for my blog are more than welcome. So are suggestions of other blogs, websites and social media accounts which might be of similar interest to me. Do join me on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Also, if you wish to connect with me, feature the blog or wish to get in touch with me regarding food and travel writing, please leave a message via the form below and I will definitely get back.

Thanking you… Ishita

All images (unless otherwise mentioned), graphics and content belong to IshitaUnblogged.

11 Comments on “Mail Me

  1. Hello Ishita,

    I am emailing you because I saw on your website that you had a few other guest post contributions in the past and wanted to see if I could offer one as well.

    Here are a few potential ideas for your site that I think fits your audience well:

    Title: Quality Family Time and How You Can Make it Work
    Topic/Overview: Unique and fun things to do with the whole family.Times are changing each day and finding ways to spend quality time with the whole family is becoming more and more difficult. Quality time is important for any family. Here you can find some great and unique ways to get the family together for a day or night of fun and bonding.

    Title: Fun Ways to Spend Time with your Kids.
    Topic/Overview: The writer can run wild with topic including changing the title. However, he/she should make the “fun ways” fun and easy. The writer the lesson learnt after spending time in the ways they (writer) chose.

    Do any of these sound good to you? Would love to be featured on your site.


    Freelance Writer


    • Thanks Joellen for your interest in my blog. I have never had any guest post contributions in the past. Not that I’m averse to it. But probably not right now. And my blog is all about travel and food journeys. So right now the subjects on which you wish to contribute, may not suit the blog. Do look forward to you reading my blog though. Regards – Ishita


  2. Hi there,

    Would it be possible to provide us with an email address so we could get in touch with regards to upcoming food events in Dubai?

    Please send it to admin@smc-pr.com

    Thank you very much!

    Kind regards,
    Linda Jacob


  3. Hi Ishita,

    I got to know about your blog through some of your Fooderati Arabia friends who came to the Manolo at Da Vinci’s event. Debbie and Grace referred me to the website and I discovered your blog. 🙂

    Was hoping you could come with them as well to our next event happening on 16th November 2012. Should you be interested, please drop me a mail: josimar.delfin@mill-airportdubai.com.

    Have a fab weekend!



  4. Hi Ishita,

    Just messaged you from your site.
    please have a look and get back, as soon as you can.



    Bikers Cafe Dubai


  5. Hi
    Could you send me your email id?


  6. Hi,

    I’m from Media Maven and we would like to get in touch with you. Could you send me your email id?

